University Gateway

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Skilaboð sem félagið var beðið um að koma á framfæri frá Háskólanum á Bifröst. Stór hluti þess fólks sem hefur misst vinnuna undanfarna mánuði er með annað móðurmál en íslensku og telur sér ekki fært að stunda nám á íslensku. Til þess að koma til móts við þarfir þessa hóps var ákveðið að spegla námið í háskólagáttinni yfir á ensku og ná þannig til fólks með ýmis móðurmál og betri tungumálagrunn í ensku en íslensku.

At Bifröst University, we started with a new study programme in January called the University Gateway. It is aimed specifically at foreigners residing in Iceland who want to increase their job opportunities by furthering their education. The programme consists of four seven-week sessions. In light of the excellent start we have had to the programme in session 1, we would like to offer further placements, starting in session 2. Session 2 will begin on March 8th. 

The programme is a preparatory programme for university studies, taught in English. The programme is for those who have not quite finished their secondary level education or have a secondary level diploma from outside the EU. The University Gateway at Bifröst University has helped many Icelanders to bridge a gap in their education and prepared them for university studies. This is a programme for those who have not finished high school or have a high-school diploma from outside the EU. It is also excellent preparation for those who finished high school many years ago and need intensive preparation to start university. 

Students can choose between distance learning or on-campus studies. For those who are considering on-campus studies, Bifröst offers quality student housing at affordable prices.

For those who wish to take the next step in their career, this is an ideal opportunity to build a solid foundation. 

The programme will run until early August, over three further sessions, each session taking seven weeks to complete. The core subjects of the programme are mathematics, English, and Icelandic. The programme is tailored to the employment campaign “Nám er tækifæri” – “Opportunity in Education”. This way, students can get the opportunity to study while they receive payments from the Unemployment Insurance Fund, so long as they have been registered as without employment for at least 6 months.

Once you have submitted your application, please send a confirmation e-mail to If anything is unclear about the application process, or if you have any questions about the programme, you can contact or  Classes begin on March 8th and end in early August.

We also welcome anyone interested in meeting us on-campus at scenic Bifröst for a further chat about the programme and studies at Bifröst University. If you are interested in meeting us, please contact or to organize your visit.