The new agreement - details

After a tough battle and strike action, an agreement has been negotiated and was signed on 29 May 2015. The agreement is significantly better than the 3.5% raise initially offered. This achievement can first and foremost be attributed to the unity and steadfastness of our members in focusing on raising the lowest wages. The main demands of SGS revolved around ensuring that lowest wages would increase to ISK 300,000 over the next three years. This goal has been achieved by means of an income guarantee for 2018. In addition, a special agreement to raise the pay of fisheries workers has been achieved. As a member, you are kindly requested to familiarise yourself with the agreement and make your opinion known by voting.

About the vote
All members are on the electoral register. Voting will be conducted electronically. Those who do not have access to a computer can vote in the offices of their union. Members should enter the website of Starfsgreinasambandið,, and click on “Kjarasamningar 2015” (2015 Collective Wage Agreement).

Validity period
The agreement is valid from 1 May 2015 to 31 December 2018. The agreement may be terminated each year if any of the underlying criteria cease to exist. These include: increased purchasing power; use of this agreement as a basis for policy formulation for other groups; and the honouring of promises made by the Government in connection with this agreement.

Wage increases
1 May 2015: Pay-scales increase by ISK 25,000. Pay adjustment guarantee in same job from 1 February 2014: Wages under ISK 300,000 increase by a minimum of 7.2%, decreasing proportionately to 3.2% up to ISK 750,000. Minimum wage increase is 3.2%.
1 May 2016: Pay-scales increase by ISK 15,000, 5.5% pay adjustment guarantee.
1 May 2017: Wage rate increase of 4.5%, general increases 3%.
1 May 2018: Wage rate increase of 3%, general increases 2%.

In addition, the starting-wage bracket is moved up to the one-year bracket and the lowest wage categories deactivated. Wage earners may therefore be transferred between brackets and thereby increase their wages in excess of that specified by the rate increases, with workers in the lowest brackets gaining the most.

Minimum income
Minimum income for a full-time position, i.e. 173.33 hours worked per month (40 hours per week) for an employee who has reached the age of eighteen and has worked for at least six months in the same company (for a minimum, however, of 900 hours) will be:

1 May 2015        ISK 245,000 per month
1 May 2016        ISK 260,000 per month
1 May 2017        ISK 280,000 per month
1 May 2018        ISK 300,000 per month

Holiday allowance and December bonuses
Holiday allowances increase during the agreement period by ISK 8,500, i.e. just under 22%. December bonuses increase during the agreement period by ISK 15,400, i.e. by 21%.

  Holiday allowance December bonus
Before the agreement                    39,500                    73,600
1 May 2015                    42,000                    78,000
1 May 2016                    44,500                    82,000
1 May 2017                    46,500                    86,000
1 May 2018                    48,000                    89,000

Young people
The wages of those aged eighteen are 98% of the starting wages of those aged twenty. After six months and a minimum of 700 working hours in the same profession after the age of sixteen (aggregate), those aged eighteen receive the same pay as those aged twenty.

The wages of those aged 17 are 89% of the starting wage of those aged 20.
The wages of those aged 16 are 84% of the starting wage of those aged 20.
The wages of those aged 15 are 71% of the starting wage of those aged 20.
The wages of those aged 14 are 62% of the starting wage of those aged 20.

Fish-processing sector
Fish-processing workers rise by two wage brackets after seven years with the same company and after completing both training courses. The minimum bonus is guaranteed at ISK 220 and increases more than general wage increases, in total by 12.4% in 2015.

Other provisions
At the end of 2016, there will be a vote on changes to working hours. These have yet to be negotiated specifically, and the same applies to additional wage increases involved in such changes. These changes are independent of this agreement.

Worker skills shall be valued toward pay increases by means of training and real competence assessments. This work must be completed by autumn 2016.

Additions and amendments were made to sections relating to construction workers, machine operators, coach drivers, meat processors and cleaning staff. These changes relate to the increase in the number of professional titles, education and working environment.


Wage table from 1 May 2015-1 May 2016  
  Beginning 1 year 3 years 5 years
Wage category 2 229,517 231,153 232,814 234,500
Wage category 3 231,153 232,814 234,500 236,211
Wage category 4 232,814 234,500 236,211 237,948
Wage category 5 234,500 236,211 237,948 239,711
Wage category 6 236,211 237,948 239,711 241,500
Wage category 7 237,948 239,711 241,500 243,316
Wage category 8 239,711 241,500 243,316 245,159
Wage category 9 241,500 243,316 245,159 247,030
Wage category 10 243,316 245,159 247,030 248,928
Wage category 11 245,159 247,030 248,928 250,856
Wage category 12 247,030 248,928 250,856 252,812
Wage category 13 248,928 250,856 252,812 254,798
Wage category 14 250,856 252,812 254,798 256,814
Wage category 15 252,812 254,798 256,814 258,859
Wage category 16 254,798 256,814 258,859 260,936
Wage category 17 256,814 258,859 260,936 263,043
Wage category 18 258,859 260,936 263,043 265,182
Wage category 19 260,936 263,043 265,182 267,354
Wage category 20 263,043 265,182 267,354 269,558
Wage category 21 265,182 267,354 269,558 271,795
Wage category 22 267,354 269,558 271,795 274,065
Wage category 23 269,558 271,795 274,065 276,370
Wage category 24 271,795 274,065 276,370 278,709


Wage table from 1 May 2016-1 May 2017  
  Beginning 1 year 3 years 5 years
Wage category 2 244,517 246,153 247,814 249,500
Wage category 3 246,153 247,814 249,500 251,211
Wage category 4 247,814 249,500 251,211 252,948
Wage category 5 249,500 251,211 252,948 254,711
Wage category 6 251,211 252,948 254,711 256,500
Wage category 7 252,948 254,711 256,500 258,316
Wage category 8 254,711 256,500 258,316 260,159
Wage category 9 256,500 258,316 260,159 262,030
Wage category 10 258,316 260,159 262,030 263,928
Wage category 11 260,159 262,030 263,928 265,856
Wage category 12 262,030 263,928 265,856 267,812
Wage category 13 263,928 265,856 267,812 269,798
Wage category 14 265,856 267,812 269,798 271,814
Wage category 15 267,812 269,798 271,814 273,859
Wage category 16 269,798 271,814 273,859 275,936
Wage category 17 271,814 273,859 275,936 278,043
Wage category 18 273,859 275,936 278,043 280,182
Wage category 19 275,936 278,043 280,182 282,354
Wage category 20 278,043 280,182 282,354 284,558
Wage category 21 280,182 282,354 284,558 286,795
Wage category 22 282,354 284,558 286,795 289,065
Wage category 23 284,558 286,795 289,065 291,370
Wage category 24 286,795 289,065 291,370 293,709


Wage table from 1 May 2017-1 May 2018  
  Beginning 1 year 3 years 5 years
Wage category 3 257,230 258,966 260,728 262,515
Wage category 4 258,966 260,728 262,515 264,331
Wage category 5 260,728 262,515 264,331 266,173
Wage category 6 262,515 264,331 266,173 268,043
Wage category 7 264,331 266,173 268,043 269,940
Wage category 8 266,173 268,043 269,940 271,866
Wage category 9 268,043 269,940 271,866 273,821
Wage category 10 269,940 271,866 273,821 275,805
Wage category 11 271,866 273,821 275,805 277,820
Wage category 12 273,821 275,805 277,820 279,864
Wage category 13 275,805 277,820 279,864 281,939
Wage category 14 277,820 279,864 281,939 284,046
Wage category 15 279,864 281,939 284,046 286,183
Wage category 16 281,939 284,046 286,183 288,353
Wage category 17 284,046 286,183 288,353 290,555
Wage category 18 286,183 288,353 290,555 292,790
Wage category 19 288,353 290,555 292,790 295,060
Wage category 20 290,555 292,790 295,060 297,363
Wage category 21 292,790 295,060 297,363 299,701
Wage category 22 295,060 297,363 299,701 302,073
Wage category 23 297,363 299,701 302,073 304,482
Wage category 24 299,701 302,073 304,482 306,926


Wage table from 1 May 2018-31 December 2018  
  Beginning 1 year 3 years 5 years
Wage category 4 266,735 268,549 270,391 272,261
Wage category 5 268,549 270,391 272,261 274,158
Wage category 6 270,391 272,261 274,158 276,084
Wage category 7 272,261 274,158 276,084 278,038
Wage category 8 274,158 276,084 278,038 280,022
Wage category 9 276,084 278,038 280,022 282,036
Wage category 10 278,038 280,022 282,036 284,079
Wage category 11 280,022 282,036 284,079 286,154
Wage category 12 282,036 284,079 286,154 288,259
Wage category 13 284,079 286,154 288,259 290,397
Wage category 14 286,154 288,259 290,397 292,567
Wage category 15 288,259 290,397 292,567 294,768
Wage category 16 290,397 292,567 294,768 297,004
Wage category 17 292,567 294,768 297,004 299,272
Wage category 18 294,768 297,004 299,272 301,574
Wage category 19 297,004 299,272 301,574 303,912
Wage category 20 299,272 301,574 303,912 306,284
Wage category 21 301,574 303,912 306,284 308,692
Wage category 22 303,912 306,284 308,692 311,135
Wage category 23 306,284 308,692 311,135 313,616
Wage category 24 308,692 311,135 313,616 316,134


Increase in ISK 2015-2018      
  Beginning 1 year 3 years 5 years
Wage category 4 60,582 60,735 60,891 61,050
Wage category 5 60,735 60,891 61,050 61,210
Wage category 6 60,891 61,050 61,210 61,373
Wage category 7 61,050 61,210 61,373 61,538
Wage category 8 61,210 61,373 61,538 61,706
Wage category 9 61,373 61,538 61,706 61,877
Wage category 10 61,538 61,706 61,877 62,049
Wage category 11 61,706 61,877 62,049 62,226
Wage category 12 61,877 62,049 62,226 62,403
Wage category 13 62,049 62,226 62,403 62,585
Wage category 14 62,226 62,403 62,585 62,769
Wage category 15 62,403 62,585 62,769 62,954
Wage category 16 62,585 62,769 62,954 63,145
Wage category 17 62,769 62,954 63,145 63,336
Wage category 18 62,954 63,145 63,336 63,531
Wage category 19 63,145 63,336 63,531 63,730
Wage category 20 63,336 63,531 63,730 63,930
Wage category 21 63,531 63,730 63,930 64,134
Wage category 22 63,730 63,930 64,134 64,340
Wage category 23 63,930 64,134 64,340 64,551
Wage category 24 64,134 64,340 64,551 64,764


Increase in % 2015-2018      
  Beginning 1 year 3 years 5 years
Wage category 4 29.39% 29.23% 29.06% 28.90%
Wage category 5 29.23% 29.06% 28.90% 28.74%
Wage category 6 29.06% 28.90% 28.74% 28.58%
Wage category 7 28.90% 28.74% 28.58% 28.42%
Wage category 8 28.74% 28.58% 28.42% 28.26%
Wage category 9 28.58% 28.42% 28.26% 28.11%
Wage category 10 28.42% 28.26% 28.11% 27.95%
Wage category 11 28.26% 28.11% 27.95% 27.79%
Wage category 12 28.11% 27.95% 27.79% 27.63%
Wage category 13 27.95% 27.79% 27.63% 27.47%
Wage category 14 27.79% 27.63% 27.47% 27.31%
Wage category 15 27.63% 27.47% 27.31% 27.16%
Wage category 16 27.47% 27.31% 27.16% 27.00%
Wage category 17 27.31% 27.16% 27.00% 26.84%
Wage category 18 27.16% 27.00% 26.84% 26.69%
Wage category 19 27.00% 26.84% 26.69% 26.53%
Wage category 20 26.84% 26.69% 26.53% 26.38%
Wage category 21 26.69% 26.53% 26.38% 26.22%
Wage category 22 26.53% 26.38% 26.22% 26.07%
Wage category 23 26.38% 26.22% 26.07% 25.92%
Wage category 24 26.22% 26.07% 25.92% 25.76%