Members of Eining-Iðja, THANK YOU!

Björn Snæbjörnsson, chairman of Eining-Iðja, wants to thank all the members taking part in the preparation of the new contract on the general market and everybody who voted. 

„As I said before, the success in this kind of job is build on solidarity, we will not achieve our goals with just a few people taking care of the matter. Eining-Iðja started early to prepare for the negotiations for the new contract, both with many meetings and a detailed questionnaire among all members. I would like to thank the great many of you taking part of this process. Around 2.000 members took part in preparing our list of claims for the negotiations. Also I would like to thank all our members taking part in the voting on the contract. In our union 23% of all members took part, which is pretty good comparing with the average of 13% in all the other unions. We can be very proud of that and this is also a sign that our powerful system of trustpersons is working. Over all it is very important to be in good contact to the grass root.
I can´t deny that I would have wished for better participation. The contract was announced well for everybody and it was easy to vote. I heard of members being content with the contract but others said that they had really enough of all the discussions in the media and maybe this is partly the reason for the unsatisfying participation in the voting. I myself would like to hear more and discuss more but opinions are different on this topic.” says Björn.


Asked about the next steps, Björn said the next project would be to close the new contract with the state and the communities. “Hopefully the negotiations will get under way as soon as possible.”